3 Strange Ideas About Creativity

Clear Yo Mind
Published in
5 min readJun 9, 2022


You connect creativity with artists. You believe you are not such, so it is not for you and you will never be creative. Or you connect creativity with talents and again you think you have no talent, so you can’t be creative.

Photo by Dragos Gontariu on Unsplash

Well, I will tell you are wrong!

Creativity could be seen everywhere around us from wearing your plain white t-shirt with your sneakers for a city stroll or under your suit at work. Of course, this could be creative for some and dull for others who can paint a masterpiece for an hour or two or write a brilliant article that is captivating from the first sentence. And yet, the examples above are all creative and have their value.

“Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought.” — Albert Einstein.

Do you know what?! Creativity could be so much more. It could be your tool to manage your life goals, relationships, and emotions. How come?! Creativity has the power to mix everything inside of you to make something new and one of kind.


Because you have made it based on your experience, feelings, and inspiration. And they are all yours, so anything that comes out of it has its unique power and vibes.

Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change. — Maya Angelou

What if you look at Creativity as

  • a habit
  • a daily routine
  • brainstorming

Creativity as a habit

Habit is a daily activity that you do regularly or daily. You know it improves our life or at least You are told so. Unfortunately, a habit doesn’t make you jump out of bed to do it or give you a heartbeat of excitement.

I will give an example with myself this time. I found creativity in writing on the medium.com and it develops into a great habit to express myself, my thoughts, and my ideas through the new knowledge I acquire.

I do this daily. It could be for 5 min one time a day or a few hours the next, but I do it regularly. So it became a habit. Still a habit, though!

Where is the trick of doing a habit regularly?
If you struggle with keeping up with habits, creativity can fix that.

Well, you need to find your way through it? What do I mean? You need to slip yourself into this mood. Of course, I can’t just write after I clean the dishes or cooked my meal.

It hits me after a walk or training — when my blood got moving or when my brain starts moving after an interesting chat or a few pages from a book, or an article!

So what you can do? Analyze yourself when is the part of the day or week when you feel mostly doing something different, something creative. See the events before and try to reproduce them every time you want that creative feeling to hit. After several times, the habit will no be anymore a habit, but a pleasure.

You see now the meaning that habit has as a “must-do action” is no longer in my writing. Though I take it seriously, I try to make it easy and fun.

Creativity as a daily routine

Here is the daily routine. Do you have or are you still trying to figure it out or do you just want to change something in it?

You are at the right place. Creativity is a daily routine. Why not?

Imagine you have your spots you do your stretching, you write in your journal, and in the end, you do a small sketch of your recent idea or big dream. A sketch that gets more and more detailed each day.

And here for those who would say: “I can’t scetch!” I have another proposal.

You may have journaled but it seems like not enough. Then, grab a pen, take a white big sheet of paper, put the pen on it, close your eyes and start moving the pen as you like and as much as you want. This is so liberating!

Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye. — Dorthy Parker

Moreover, you will be surprised what nice figures can come out of your hand. Observe them, color them and practice mindfulness with your creation. Believe me. Just try it.

For those braver like me, start painting. I feel so grounded mixing paints and applying them to the canvas. Why? It is just because the action occupies your mind and makes you live here and now and this is all we want to feel that blissful balance.

Journaling does the job of grounding you, and so does sketching, scratching, or painting.

These are just my examples. What you can do? Analyze yourself what is the activity that makes you present in the moment? Could be something simple or not. Keep trying until you find it.

Creativity as a brainstorming

Imagine! You are at work, in a meeting, with your colleague and there is a new project coming. There is uncertainty because it is new and nobody knows his responsibility. Except for data analysis that is needed for any project, you and the team need to brainstorm with ideas, suggestions, and lines of work.

And after that the air is clear. This is the effect of brainstorming.

Brainstorming is like exercising the brain and unloading it from extra baggage and tension so it can make a decision and keep moving.

Creativity is not the domain of one single person. Through free association and thoughts and brainstorming, an accidental suggestion can be the best solution. — Joshua Fernandez

For example, when you write an article, book, or idea you put out your thoughts on paper or a document on a computer. Any book, or article is born from the idea that has been born in somebody’s head and then developed by writing it.

Even though it is a scientific study based on facts, there is always the line of the thought of the author, something he discovered or wants to say.

Let’s take painting for example. We all know that by mixing green and yellow we have a blue color. What if you put greener or pale yellow and mix them in a unique proportion having a unique shade of blue.

So, yes! Creativity has the power to unload, refresh and entertain your mind. It gives it the freedom to be, express, and create. It takes the known and basic knowledge to create something new guided by you.

Once you decide what is your expression of creativity, you will find a way to brainstorm your ideas. Just keep trying!

There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns. — Edward de Bono

Creativity is all around us and in us. It can be expressed in all different ways and always finds its way. Creativity as a habit, daily routine, or brainstorming is one of the many ways I see it. You may see something else! Don’t wait! Find it! It will make you feel good and full of energy!


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Clear Yo Mind

🎓A Graduate from Robbins-Madanes Training. 📝Inspirational content for self help/self development